Although it is very unlikely that COVID-19 is transmitted through food or food packaging, as a matter of good hygiene practice Suburban Eats have implemented thorough practices to keep our customers and staff safe.
As a food business operator we continue to follow the Food Standard Agency’s (FSA) guidance on personal hygiene and hygienic practices in food preparation, Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) processes and guidance on risk assessment from the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).
Any individuals returning to work after an absence of 2 or more days for whatever reason will benefit from a screening process for fitness to work, using a monitored screening questionnaire
In response to COVID19 Suburban Eats made significant changes to our routine ways of working. Alongside our existing food hygiene practices we have implemented the following measures
We’ve reduced the number of people working within the work environment to make sure they can stay 2m apart.
We’ve also increased cleaning practices within the work environment including hand washing at regular intervals. We’ve also provided delivery drivers with hand sanitizer, masks and gloves
All members of our team will be wearing face coverings which we have provided.
Our staff wash their hands frequently with soap and water for at least 30 seconds. This is done routinely, including:
before and after handling food
after handling money
after touching high-contact surfaces, such as door handles, table surfaces
when moving between different areas of the workplace
after being in a public place
after blowing nose, coughing or sneezing.
Food packaging is handled in line with usual food safety practices and staff continue to follow existing risk assessments and safe systems of working
If you require any further information about our policies and practices please email